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Nov 28, 2018

It's been a while since things have calmed down enough to even have a decent conversation with everyone that's usually left behind at the Cafe. Everyone seems to have some kind of agenda to take care of, but at least we all got to sit down and share a meal together for the first time in a long while. And then it's time...

Nov 21, 2018

What did the gang think of FATE Accelerated? And how did we manage to put together a Musical? Find out in this optional review episode! Everyone gives their two cents on the system, shares stories about developing the Musical episode, and we also answer some questions from the fans. Plus, a sneak peak at the...

Nov 14, 2018

In our 50th episode, a strange woman named Penny shows up at Cafe Nowhere, and the Infiniteers set off on an epic quest through Nowhere to help her out - all the while dealing with some seriously insane side effects brought on by her arrival.

Nov 7, 2018

To prepare everyone for our upcoming 50th episode, here's a special Previously On recap song featuring our special guest star Penny. This will get you all caught up and ready to jump into the podcast when Tales of Nowhere The Musical premieres!