Dec 30, 2017
What did we think of Call of Cthulhu? Find out in this optional review episode! Everyone gives their two cents on the system, some thoughts on the podcast in general, and you'll also get a look at how we rebuilt our characters for the upcoming system before next week's episode!
Dec 27, 2017
Part Three of Three. With the Games out of the way, the Infiniteers claim their prize: an audience with the ruler of this multiverses' root. And no matter how that meeting pans out, I think it's clear that this mission is coming to an end. And after that, who knows? But I think they'll be happy just to make it back to...
Dec 20, 2017
Part Two of Three. Talk about your rocks and hard places, huh? It was a difficult choice to make, but the die was cast and we have to respect the wishes of fate. So, what now? Well, I can tell you there is a game to play. There's no getting around that if the Infiniteers want to make their way toward solving the...
Dec 13, 2017
Part One of Three. Hang on, folks. This could get a little confusing. There's the multiverse, right? A place where all possibilities exist for every action ever taken (or not taken). And at the root of this universe, outside all those branching decisions, is the Cafe. But what if I told you that was just one tree of...
Dec 6, 2017
Ah yes, the sidequest. I remember it well. Much joy and celebration...or was it sadness and science? It does not matter. We attempt to get the answers we need to better understand how the multiverse works, because let's be honest here, we're playing with fire. But like, a big one with a bunch of gasoline. One wrong...